About Me

I'm a mother of four girls and one boy and I've got the greatest husband in the world-and I'd bet the farm on that one. We're a great team although he says he's moving out of the house as soon as all our girls are teenagers. We're very strong in our religion which is in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I draw strength from my religion and my family. I love life and am grateful to be surrounded by such great family and friends. I am gently reminded daily of the love and blessings that our Heavenly Father has for us. I live the life I always dreamed of having. I don't know how I was so blessed. Sometimes I feel undeserving to have the perfect life I always wanted. But I'm not complaining! I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Life goes up and life goes down, but even during the lowest so far, I'm still happy. Still know that I will have my family forever. Still know that my husband adores me and I him. Life is so good.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let's go fly a kite...

Last night my family came over for a 'family home evening'. It was a blast. We ate yummy food and flew pretty kites on the golf course and then went swimming down at the pool here. Aaron's 'canon-ball' was similar to a tsunami and my mom's backflip off the diving board can't go unmentioned either. I took the camera to the pool but left it in the van. Oops. I only got a few pictures of the kites and a few kids. I was too busy having fun with my family to take pictures. It seems like when I spend the whole time taking pictures I miss out on all the fun family togetherness so I let it go this time-but now I regret not having pictures of the whole thing. Aaron spent almost the entire night in the garage trying to fix our waverunner with the help of my dad. It still won't work and now he wants to "sink it to the bottom of Lake Powell!" The girls and I had a blast flying kites off the green. Macey loved just crawling around on the soft grass. It was so warm yesterday, it was just perfect. Today the weather has turned cold again so I'm really glad we got out yesterday and enjoyed the first really warm day of the year. I can't wait for more!

Here are a few of Dianne's kids flying their kites. Adam, Brigham and Mariah.

This is Olivia's kite. Super pink and girly of course. I actually flew it later on and it went so high I ran out of string. She took a nose dive and got caught on the neighbor's roof. We had to cut it down.

Olivia fighting against the wind.

Brigham helping Jocelyn down from the green.

My parents got these kites when they went to China years ago. We've been trying to get together to fly them for a long time and tonight we finally did. Too bad my dad and Aaron were stuck in the garage and didn't get to see them in flight. These eagles were the coolest, especially how my mom took the picture just as they crossed paths and were next to the moon. Great picture mom! Let's do it again sometime!


Unknown said...

I wish I had some kites. That was probably way fun.

Jane Ellen said...

I have discovered your blog! It's fun to see you and your kids. They are so cute.
I'd love to hear from you.
Jane Ellen

Karen Kunzler said...

It is so good to hear from you. I just made our blog private so email me and I will add you to my list. My email is karenkunzler at hotmail do com
Love ya!!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys look like you had a blast! Rya and I started a blog at RJsharp.blogspot.com. Love ya!

Tamio & Anna said...

I love your new blog set-up, it looks great. I feel like our neighboorhood comes out of hibernation when the weather finally warms up. We will have to get together and BBQ sometime...I think we ended up cancelling last summer :) Your girls are adorable and I love seeing them outside playing. They are always so sweet and ask where our dog is!