About Me

I'm a mother of four girls and one boy and I've got the greatest husband in the world-and I'd bet the farm on that one. We're a great team although he says he's moving out of the house as soon as all our girls are teenagers. We're very strong in our religion which is in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I draw strength from my religion and my family. I love life and am grateful to be surrounded by such great family and friends. I am gently reminded daily of the love and blessings that our Heavenly Father has for us. I live the life I always dreamed of having. I don't know how I was so blessed. Sometimes I feel undeserving to have the perfect life I always wanted. But I'm not complaining! I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Life goes up and life goes down, but even during the lowest so far, I'm still happy. Still know that I will have my family forever. Still know that my husband adores me and I him. Life is so good.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Macey's ER visit

So, the sunday after the last post Macey had a febrile seizure. The night before she was really hot. We gave her some tylenol and Aaron brought her into bed with us. I went to sleep in the spare bed to avoid being kicked all night long. In the morning I had just gotten Jacob out of bed and changed him when Aaron yelled for me to come into our room. I hurried in and saw Macey having a seizure. Having had experience with this before with Jocelyn (and my nephew) I knew it was a febrile seizure and we began taking off her jammies to cool her down. I felt I was keeping pretty calm until she stopped breathing. I turned her on her side assuming her tongue was blocking her airway. She wouldn't breathe. She turned blue and then gray. Aaron was in the kitchen getting a cold washcloth when I started screaming for him to call 911. His cell was dead, and the home phone wasn't working. I grabbed her and told him that we needed to take her to the ER (we live only a few blocks away and figured we'd get her there quicker than they could get to us). We couldn't find the keys to the van! I opened the garage door and ran her out to the freezing cold air. I learned that morning how desperate your prayers can get when you're praying for your child you think is dying in your arms. She was completely limp and grey. Suddenly she tried to inhale. She foamed at the mouth. My sister Allyson who lived in the basement heard the commotion and came upstairs. She gave Aaron her keys and we took her car to the ER. Luckily it was early on a sunday in Utah so the roads were void of traffic. We ran stop signs and screeched into the hospital. Aaron ran her inside while I drove to park and then ran in. We both had bare feet and I only had on a robe. They gave her oxygen, IV, x-rays, medicine and ran tests on her. They explained what we already expected, that it was a febrile seizure. They ran tests on her blood and told us her white count was high. Now let me explain, the only thing I associate with high white count is leukemia. For about five minutes I worried about this, praying and dying inside. I'm so sorry to all those parents who experience that. It was like we were living in a nightmare, in slow motion. Finally the doctor came in and I asked him about it. He quickly told me that her white count wasn't THAT high and she was probably just fighting an infection. What a relief! My dad came down and he and Aaron gave her a blessing. She stayed in the ER for an hour or so and then they let us come home with instructions to keep her fever down. That's one day I never, ever want to relive.

She liked her pretty, pink "bracelet" she got there.

They loaned me some scrubs and socks to put on. She was very tired after the whole ordeal and slept a lot that day.
Here is the hospital gown they put on her and let her wear home since she came in with only a diaper on. It's so sad they even have to make these gowns in this size!

Aaron asked her what she remembered about her trip to the ER. She didn't even know what the bandage was for on her hand. She didn't recall them giving her an IV or anything else that happened there. I'm so grateful for the priesthood and that Aaron and my dad were there and worthy to use it. What a comfort it is to know that we have the power of God at our sides. Think about it for a minute. It's amazing!

Our little Macey-Moo. We're so blessed and happy to have you in our lives! Glad you're still with us!


Aly said...

OH my gosh. I almost started crying just reading this. I cannot even imagine how scary that must have been for you guys. We are SO glad that Macey is okay!! Seriously, my heart is still racing.

Shani said...

Wow Bonnie, you are a very strong spirit, for sure!! I am so amazed at the amount of faith you continue to have through all the trials you've had to deal with. I'm so glad Macey is OK, and that you are such an inspiration to those around you. <3

Gram Rudd said...

I can't even imagine watching your child stop breathing and turning grey. Every second must seem like an eternity. Thank God everything fell into place so she could get the help she needed. Matt is the only one I remember ever having seen in one of those seizures. Really scary! You guys have had your share so its time for a break. Hugs to all.

Minnesota Fun! said...

Wow, that would be SO scary! I can't imagine what I would do. I'm glad you were able to get the the ER and everything was okay.

Karen Kunzler said...

Oh my goodness. What a blessing that Alison is living with you so that you could just leave and not worry about the other kids or calling someone to come over. I am so glad she is ok!!!!!!!

Linda said...

You didn't share all this with us. What a scarey thing. I'm grateful ou were able to think clearly and do what needed to be done. We are so grateful she is still here with us. I, too, am grateful for the priesthood and for those that were there worthy to exercise it.