About Me

I'm a mother of four girls and one boy and I've got the greatest husband in the world-and I'd bet the farm on that one. We're a great team although he says he's moving out of the house as soon as all our girls are teenagers. We're very strong in our religion which is in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I draw strength from my religion and my family. I love life and am grateful to be surrounded by such great family and friends. I am gently reminded daily of the love and blessings that our Heavenly Father has for us. I live the life I always dreamed of having. I don't know how I was so blessed. Sometimes I feel undeserving to have the perfect life I always wanted. But I'm not complaining! I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Life goes up and life goes down, but even during the lowest so far, I'm still happy. Still know that I will have my family forever. Still know that my husband adores me and I him. Life is so good.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Catching Up

Well, since I haven't blogged since May, I have a lot to catch up on. I've been dreading this, but I finally started today. I need SEVERAL more pictures for our Sharp Family Reunion. When I get them I'll add those. I still need to do Olivia's 7th Birthday, Aaron's 30th Birthday, Jocelyn's 4th Birthday and so on. Wow, this is going to take forever!
On top of that I have so much updating to do. We've moved again! We're in American Fork now. We love our new ward. Aaron's a primary teacher. He was Olivia's but now that it's a new year he's got Makell in his class. They are both in school now and loving it. It was so hard for me to let them go at first but now I'm so grateful they're there since I've been helping Aaron out after he seriously injured his back (for the second time) about a week and a half ago. It's been hurting him since the Sharp reunion back in July. Initially it was hurt wakeboarding and then made even worse after shingling a roof. He had to have several MRI's where they've discovered he has a large cyst on his vertebrae. It didn't respond to the needle treatment they did to remove it so they said if it didn't get better he'd need surgery and possibly need to remove a disc that had bulged and fuse his vertebrae together. Sounds like fun, huh? He's been making himself work as much as he can since then but recently brought an inversion table home hoping it would help. Well, it only made things worse. The first time he tried it it really messed something up. My sister and I had to help him off where upon he collapsed to the floor. He wasn't able to move because of the pain for two hours. He said it was like the worst charley-horse you could imagine that wouldn't go away. I ran and got him a muscle relaxer and ice. He couldn't even roll to ice it. He sobbed. I had never seen him in pain like that. I've never seen anyone in pain like that. It was horrible. I called his back doctor and he said to call 911. The ambulance came, which scared the kids because they thought he was dying. It was awful. Anyway, they stayed with him for a half hour and said to call if he still couldn't move in another hour. They said it would cause him too much pain to strap him to the gurney and drive to the hospital just to be told that he has a hurt back. He was in the initial stages of shock so I put some blankets on him and we waited it out. 2 hours later he made it into bed and didn't leave it for two days, other than to the bathroom. He's still there most of the day. He's scheduled for surgery February 8th and I guess he'll be living on painkillers until then. Such a crazy time right now!!!
Christmas was fun. We spent it in Idaho although we left the camera in the van until Christmas morning so it was too cold to take pictures. We managed a few later on and I'll get around to posting them sooner or later. Anyway, if anyone is still reading this and wouldn't mind, please keep us in your prayers. We sure could use them. It's an unsure time for us although we still have great faith that even all of this is Heavenly Father's will and eventually we'll understand it. We know that this too will pass and hopefully soon we'll be back to life as usual. It really could be so much worse, so we're grateful for good health, a wonderful marriage and great kids, and all the help from so many family members and friends here. This time is made so much easier by all of you so thank you so, so much. We love you all!


Dana said...

Wow! Sore backs are terrible! Our family has suffered from them, but not that bad. Tevye actually hurt his back again today. We will keep you in our prayers.

Gram Rudd said...

Oh man, Bonnie - I'm so sorry to hear about Aaron's back. I didn't realize it was so bad. Nothing can get an active man down like not being able to get up and go. We will concentrate our prayers on him and have faith that things ease up soon.

Shani said...

Oh Bonnie, I'm so sad to hear of the troubles you are having!! I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. <3

carlsondpm said...

Hey Guys! I have totally been thinking about you lately. I am so sorry to hear that Aaron's back is worse!! I am sure he has tried everything, but has he tried steroids? I have a bulged disk and they are AMAZING!! I would TOTALLY try that!! Hope he is better soon!! Keep us posted!

Jeff and Alison

Mandi said...

HI AGAIN! It was fun to come onto your blog and see new postings :) And, of course we are praying for and thinking happy thoughts for your family :)

Linda said...

It was fun to see some new posts and get caught up. Thanks. I'm so grateful that you guys have such strong faith. Sometimes that is all we have to get us through. Thanksfully you also have love of friends and family and the strong bond of your little family. WE love you and our faith and prayers are with you.