About Me

I'm a mother of four girls and one boy and I've got the greatest husband in the world-and I'd bet the farm on that one. We're a great team although he says he's moving out of the house as soon as all our girls are teenagers. We're very strong in our religion which is in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I draw strength from my religion and my family. I love life and am grateful to be surrounded by such great family and friends. I am gently reminded daily of the love and blessings that our Heavenly Father has for us. I live the life I always dreamed of having. I don't know how I was so blessed. Sometimes I feel undeserving to have the perfect life I always wanted. But I'm not complaining! I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Life goes up and life goes down, but even during the lowest so far, I'm still happy. Still know that I will have my family forever. Still know that my husband adores me and I him. Life is so good.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I have nothing to really blog about, but since this is like a journal then I better write something. Pella paid completely to have our van repaired and the guy who hit us was fired. They wouldn't/couldn't tell me who he was (privacy policy) so I never did get to look him in the eyes and ask for an apology. Pella apologized for his behavior several times which was wonderful of them however it's not the same as it would be to hear it from him. So why are we all so concerned about hurting feelings and keeping things so "private"? Especially of people like that? Why can't it be public knowledge of exactly who is doing what. Why do we have to be so dang politically correct about everything? I think they should be flogged in public or cut off a little finger. SOMETHING to dissuade them from repeating their actions. Our society cracks me up or depresses me is a better phrase I suppose. If we would stand up for right and put down the wrong then we'd probably still have prayer in schools, people would say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, women would not be able to senselessly and brutally murder their unborn babies and marriage would still be considered a holy and only correct union. I know that most people in the U.S. are Christians. Why don't we all stand up and insist on what is right and good. Is it because we feel that we need to be Christ-like and not hurt anyone's feelings? Yes we should be Christ-like and God-like in the fact that we love everyone. But I seem to remember a little story in the Bible about a God that sent plagues, turned the water to blood, sent fiery hailstones, and killed the first-born child. He LOVES everyone but He also gets sick of all the horrible things that wicked people do and tells them to knock it off. It scares me to death to raise my children in this world today. How much worse will it get? How many more evils will we let people get away with because we don't dare or don't have the law behind us to stop them? How many of us KNOW what is right but don't have the courage to voice it? I'm so grateful to have a still, small voice to help me. I will teach my children right and then hope they will always stand in holy places, always stand for righteousness and what is good. I'm sure we will be hated and persecuted for standing up for right but someday there will be and end, I mean a real END. And then we will all stand before our Maker and be judged on that great and dreadful day. It is my sincere hope and prayer that on that day that my family and I stand before God that we will be found worthy to be in His presence and be able to stay with Him. Together forever.
I realize that this post may sound a bit peculiar to those who do not share my same beliefs. That it sounds like the ranting of a religious fanatic. Unfortunately religion is becoming peculiar and something to mock at. I am happy to be a peculiar person. I feel true and honest peace inside when I do what I know is right. There is no guilt, no turning on the radio all the time so I don't have to be left alone with my own thoughts. I know this is right. I don't share the strong testimony I have inside of me often because of the nervousness I feel to stand in front of a congregation, but that doesn't mean it's not there. I have always known the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I absolutely cannot deny it. When I take the time to sit quietly and ponder it, it is confirmed again and again to me. I just know it and I don't doubt it. I'm so grateful it's in my life.
Well, I guess I did have something to blog about after all! Have a great day and a wonderfully Merry Christmas!


Unknown said...

I love you. Merry Christmas to you too!

Jacqui said...

Awesome blog!! Thanks!

Chellie said...

Said perfectly. :)

Holmes said...

Hi Bonnie- This is Gabrielle's cousin Katie. I enjoy your blog and liked your post. It reminded me of a youtube video I saw on another blog. You should watch it. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=DMMu4Sv0-QI

Linda said...

I'm grateful for your testimony and that you are raising my beautiful grandchildren.

Lisa said...

Beautiful testimony Bonnie! I love you so much and I can't wait until we are all together again in the next life and diabetes free too!

Staci J said...

Thank you Bonnie! You say everything so perfectly:) Wish the world was filled with more Bonnies:)

The Slider Family said...

Thanks for your comment. I did get called as 1st counselor in YW on Sunday. I am overwhelmed and excited at the same time. I know you have been in there before, so any pointers you can give me would be very appreciative. I think the world of you! I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas, and once our company leaves we need to hook up. Love ya!

Unknown said...

Ok- I want Christmas pictures posted...... get on it!