About Me

I'm a mother of four girls and one boy and I've got the greatest husband in the world-and I'd bet the farm on that one. We're a great team although he says he's moving out of the house as soon as all our girls are teenagers. We're very strong in our religion which is in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I draw strength from my religion and my family. I love life and am grateful to be surrounded by such great family and friends. I am gently reminded daily of the love and blessings that our Heavenly Father has for us. I live the life I always dreamed of having. I don't know how I was so blessed. Sometimes I feel undeserving to have the perfect life I always wanted. But I'm not complaining! I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Life goes up and life goes down, but even during the lowest so far, I'm still happy. Still know that I will have my family forever. Still know that my husband adores me and I him. Life is so good.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas from the Sharp's

We took a few pictures on sunday (thanks to Josh and April). When we tried by ourselves it was a sad experience. I almost gave up and decided to just print the ones where the girls were bawling or pulling hair or falling over or glaring or sticking out tounges, etc...but Aaron had a great idea. "Let's go to the Lindsay's." He's good looking AND smart! Lucky me.
Well, I don't usually send christmas cards so this will have to suffice. Merry Christmas to all my family and friends out there! We love you all so much!!

It looks like Jocelyn is reaching for a pretty little ornament doesn't it? Nope. I'm holding lollipops above them to keep their attention. Hee, hee


Aly said...

Their dresses are beautiful!!!

Lisa said...

Bonnie, what cute pics! Jocelyn looks sooooo much like you! What beautiful kids you have!

Staci J said...

So so cute Bonnie! I love those colors and your dark skinned girls:)

Jenni Russell said...

Bonnie it is Aarons cous. Jenni- You're pictures are so cute!!!! The girls are getting so big, and look so cute! I love the one of them facing the tree- too cute!! Hope y'all have a Merry Christmas!! We love you guys! xoxox

Lisa said...

I think you figured out how to stretch out your blog. My friend Melanie said she used the minima stretch template. Looks Great!